Published Dataset

The Acoustic Waveform Respiratory Evaluation (AWARE) dataset consists of a group of human airway measurements, produced by our integrated AI and sensing systems for smart pulmonary telemedicine.

This dataset contains airway measurements of 382 human subjects, including patients with various pulmonary diseases and healthy control subjects, recruited from the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh during the past 3 years. The contents of the dataset include raw WAV files from acoustic sensing, segmented and aligned acoustic signal pulses, and processed measurements of airway cross-sectional areas.


To our best knowledge, this is the first public dataset of human airway measurements with pulmonary diseases, and we welcome any feedback from the smart health research community.

This dataset is used for multimodal question-answering tasks in autonomous driving scenarios. We created this dataset based on nuScenes-QA dataset for evaluation in our paper Modality Plug-and-Play: Elastic Modality Adaptation in Multimodal LLMs for Embodied AI. The dataset is stored on HuggingFace.

NuScenes-QA-mini Data Sample

Detailed Description

This dataset is built on the nuScenes mini-split, where we obtain the QA pairs from the original nuScenes-QA dataset. Each data sample contains 6-view RGB camera captures, a 5D LiDAR point cloud, and a corresponding text QA pair. The data in the nuScenes-QA dataset is collected from driving scenes in cities of Boston and Singapore with diverse locations, time, and weather conditions.

Dataset Components

The samples are divided into day and night scenes:

Scene# train samples# validation samples

Each sample contains:

  • Original token id in nuscenes database.
  • RGB images from 6 views (front, front left, front right, back, back left, back right).
  • 5D LiDAR point cloud (distance, intensity, X, Y, and Z axes).
  • Question-answer pairs.

In this dataset, the questions are generally difficult, and may require multiple hops of reasoning over the RGB and LiDAR data. For example, to answer the sample question in the above figure, the ML model needs to first identify in which direction the “construction vehicle” appears, and then counts the number of “parked trucks” in that direction. In our evaluations, we further cast the question-answering (QA) as an open-ended text generation task. This is more challenging than the evaluation setup in the original nuScenes-QA paper, where an answer set is predefined and the QA task is a classification task over this predefined answer set.

Darkened Night Sample in NuScenes-QA-mini

In most RGB images in the nuScenes dataset, as shown in the above figure - Left, the lighting conditions in night scenes are still abundant (e.g., with street lights), and we hence further reduce the brightness of RGB captures in night scenes by 80% and apply Gaussian blur with a radius of 7, as shown in the above figure - Right. By applying such preprocessing to the RGB views in night scenes, we obtain the training and validation splits of night scenes with 659 samples for each split. On the other hand, the RGB views in daytime scenes remain as the origin. The day split contains 2,229 for training and 2,229 for validation respectively.

How to use

With internet connection, you may load this dataset directly using HuggingFace Datasets library:

from datasets import load_dataset

# load train split in day scene
day_train = load_dataset("KevinNotSmile/nuscenes-qa-mini", "day", split="train")

External Resources

This dataset comes from our mobile GPU-based eavesdropping work, Eavesdropping user credentials via GPU side channels on smartphones, presented at the 27th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS 2022). It contains 3,466 traces of mapping between the on-screen keyboard key presses and corresponding Snapdragon Adreno GPU performance counter changes collected on device in the meantime.

GPU PC value changes with key presses
As shown above, the raw mobile GPU Performance Counter (“PC”) value changes when screen display changes, including key board pop-up events, key disappearance events, and all other miscellaneous graphics changes. All GPU PC changes are recorded in the raw traces.

Dataset Structure

The dataset is arranged in the following format:

  • Folder name (e.g., 1622457056): This UNIX timestamp when the experiment took place.
    • timestamp_data.csv: Raw recording of GPU performance counter changes during the experiment.
      • Column 1: UNIX timestamp of each performance counter value change event, with granularity of 1 microseconds.
      • Column 2-13: GPU PC value changes of different types:
        • PERF_RAS_8X4_TILES
    • timestamp_keys.csv: Keyboard key presses occurred during the experiment.
      • Column 1: UNIX timestamp of each key press, with granularity of 1 microseconds.
      • Column 2: The specific key press occurred.

For the discussion of detailed meanings of different GPU PCs, please refer to Section 4 of our paper.

External Resources